For the first time - Strategy Lab is making its extensive experience in strategy and marketing available through a series of publicly available workshops and seminars

With the expert help of our team we can work with you to create meaningful and effective business and marketing plans in just one day.

You can gain access to a level of expertise than you may not need on a permanent basis – or perhaps can’t afford on a 1:1 consulting basis – to help you create business and marketing plans that are ready to put into action immediately.

Our workshops take a process proven through years of development and delivery to our consulting clients – which means you get expert facilitation and input from our team to make your plans more effective.

Our one-day workshops are focused, fun and effective.

Our lightning process: To make the most of your valuable time - we work quickly and with purpose through the workshop to make sure you get through the work needed.

You will be able to share (as much or as little as you like) with the other participants, ask questions, get personalised input from the facilitators relevant to your business and situation – and hear from others about their issues, ideas and plans.

Business Plan workshop

A one-day, no nonsense approach to developing a practical, actionable, impactful business plan - whether you are a start-up, existing business or planning to take your ideas global and take on the world!

We look at your market, your competition, define your audience, your sales and support channels, marketing strategy, financial plan, operations, and action plan.

We also look at the essential elements of understanding your margins and where your profit comes from (and how to maximise it).

Our workshop provides the templates – but more importantly the expert guidance on how to understand your business and your strategy to make sure you can optimise your performance and chances of success.

Workshop Costs and register your interest.

Marketing Plan workshop

Our Marketing Plan workshop takes you through a defined process to clearly and articulately identify your value proposition, the customer problem you are solving and how you go about solving that problem.

We take an in-depth look at what makes your value proposition Unique, Believable and Relevant.

We look to understand why a customer would choose you over their other options. We also clearly define your audience(s) – and define your key messages to those audiences.

Once we know who you need to connect with, and what messages to connect them to, we can create a plan on how to reach those audiences (including media options).

Understanding KPI,s, targets, budgets and evaluating performance are key components of your plan – and your ability to measure success.

This is all pulled together into a comprehensive marketing plan – ready to be put into action.

Our workshop provides the templates – but more importantly the expert guidance on how to understand your business and your strategy to make sure you can optimise your performance and chances of success.

Workshop Costs and register your interest.